Economic and Usage Benefits of Bag-On-Valve Aerosols
Bag-on-Valve Aerosol Technology is a modern packaging system, developed to improve cosmetic, medical, and pharmaceutical products.
Not only is it convenient and user friendly, but it can be sprayed evenly at all angles and has up to 99% product emptying.There are persuasive economic arguments for adopting this technology:
1.The simple fact that BOV aerosols expel virtually all the product contents, unlike traditional aerosols, means that you get what you pay for!
2.In many applications, such as weld spatter control, bag-on-valve allows the use of more effective and efficient formulations. This is mainly the result of the separation of product and propellant.
Product development times and costs can be reduced as there is no need to develop stable product/propellant mixes.
3.The lack of a mixed propellant means that the same compressed gas (typically air) can be used for products from light oils to heavy foams. Only actuator changes are required. Clearly, this reduces development complexity and costs.
The Product
Bag-on-Valve systems are suitable for liquid as well as viscous products, such as gels, creams and ointments, in a number of applications. BOV systems are optimized for oxygen-sensitive and sterile products.
The Propellant
Because of the separation between product and propellant, BOV can be used with compressed air or nitrogen.
The Can
Standard aerosol can, aluminum or tin plate (whenever possible the use of aluminum cans is recommended). All sorts of shaped cans can be used with BOV systems. No limitation in marketing solutions.