Bag On Valve Aerosols At Signature Filling Company
For those who don’t know, BOV is a packaging technology designed to provide an alternative to traditional aerosols.
A composite bag is placed into a can and the space between the bag and the can is pressurized with compressed air. The product is then added into the bag. When the end-user presses down on the actuator, the product is squeezed out of the bag by the compressed air, producing a continuous spray that is identical to an aerosol.
For those worried about an environmental impact, the use of compressed air sounds a lot better than the alternatives.
Avoiding flammable gases in your products makes it easier to dispose of the product. Another great feature is that you lower the need for any preservatives, as BOV products are 100% protected from oxygen contact. This means a longer shelf life without the use of added preservatives, helping to give the product a pure and natural image.
As time goes on, the marketplace is utilizing more and more of this eco-friendly technology.
Contact Signature Filling Company today to learn more information. Signature Filling Company is a bag-on-valve contract filling company that offers a wide variety of services including spray component testing, stability studies, and formulation services.
Signature Filling Company’s mission is to deliver highest quality of products and services, while meeting clients needs and timelines based on it’s knowledgeable staff and elite organizational structure.
Located in St. Louis, Missouri, Signature Filling Company is strategically positioned to meet all of your logistical needs, helping your product hit the shelves sooner by providing faster turn around times. By following current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) Signature Filling Company can guarantee the best products the industry has to offer.